How to Share a Virtual Offering
You can sign up to share an offering of 15 minutes to one hour on one of the themes of the event on Zoom
-Healing Mother Earth & receiving healing from Mother Earth,
-healing one another,
-Healing our selves and our country. -Healing the planet.
-Raising humanity’s consciousness. -Connecting ppl to the medicine light grid.
-Connecting is to each other
-Connecting is to. Plants and animals
-Connecting is to our higher selves and soul.
-Connecting ppl to the divine. -Connecting people to their purpose. --Reminding people of their gifts and medicine.
-Connecting people to the ancestors & the traditions that sustain us (especially medicine traditions)!
-No political debate, negtaitvity, or predictions of doom, please
-Unification, Peace, Upliftment
To sign up, click button below
Send an inquiry on Instagram@SpiritTeacher for more info
Zoom contact person: OR